Bullion Plaza Museum & Cultural Center
Bullion Plaza Museum continues with its 2023 program goals by adding new exhibits, providing renewed speakers programs, educational/historical videos, meeting space for training, and restoration of archives room #250.

Friends of the Miami Memorial Library
Gila Aging via PGCSC
Gila Community Food Bank
The Gila Community Food Bank continues to provide emergency food assistance to the people of the Globe/Miami area. In 2023, we will be expanding our garden program to be able to add some fresh vegetables to our food box distribution. We continue to update our facilities so that we can meet the growing demand for food assistance.

Gila County 4H Leaders Council
Gila County Historical Society & Museum
The Gila County Historical Society has a number of priorities for 2023, these include: Working with all key stakeholders to begin design and development of the Old Dominion Overlook Park; present a successful Old Dominion Days event; promote cooperation with our Hospitality Partners.
GILA House
We are a transitional housing, and a domestic violence safe house program serving the Globe-Miami area. Out goals are to provide services to those that have had a life altering event with emphasis on families and children. Since 2010 we have grown our program from one single-family unit to a DV shelter and four (4) individual homes for families. We require families to seek employment, and counseling, to help stabilize their situations. We partner with many agencies and programs within our area, knowing that no one agency can be everything to a family. The United Fund of Globe-Miami continues to be our building block and Gila House Inc., would not be where we are without them.
Horizon Human Services
Miami Genesis
Salvation Army
The Salvation Army Mission Statement
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.